Community Greens

People of color, culture, health & fitness

Touch Your Toes Everyday

“If you touch your toes everyday, you will be able to touch your toes everyday”.


Okay, I’m older today than I was, but I try really hard to do the same things I did yesterday. That includes touching my toes. To me, touching my toes is symbolic of my continued commitment to health and flexibility. It means that: 1. I was able to get out of bed 2. I stretched to start the day 3. I touched my toes – a milestone I want to maintain. I usually follow the stretch with my meds, a glass of water and breakfast. (I’m retired now so I prefer eating before taking a shower, dressing for the day and making the bed 🙂

That’s my skeleton “Morning Routine”. The specifics vary after that. I may walk, run, ride, garden, lift weights or box to round out my exercise day. Lately, my favorite workout has been riding my restored Schwinn Racer once a week to do my grocery shopping. The bike’s weigh and fat tires make me work harder and balancing the packages keeps me honest. It’s also made me a better shopper. I only buy the things I really need and skip canned goods.

I recently read an article that suggested it doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you do or how long you do it. What’s important is you do something. After that, it’s dependent on what your goals are. If you plan to run a marathon, you’ll need to get in the miles in. If your like me, touching your toes is a goal all by itself.


Filed under: Bicycling, CGHealth, Community Green, Fttness, The Fit Chick


I don’t have a bucket list, but if I did, this would be on it!

Click here for more info

Filed under: Bicycling, Community Green, Cycling, Events, Fttness,

Urban Spartan

So, yesterday I started the Spartan Life. That’s what I am calling my next chapter. You already know my health has forced me to swing towards better eating. Not that I was ever a fried food and gravy type, but there was and is always better. 

Michael Taylor introduced me to  TeamSpartanSpades in the Bronx and, if the creek don’t rise, I’ll do my first Spartan Race next year. In the mean time, I want to get my giddy-up on and build basic run miles. Look for future Spartan posts.

#cgspartan #cgfitchick

Filed under: African-American, Afroticity, Black Men, Blacks, Bronx, Community Green, Fttness, Healthy Living, It Takes A Village, The Fit Chick, , ,

Fuel Your Next Workout

What do you need to get you through your next workout? Failing to eat before you exercise can result in dizziness, nausea, and make you more prone to injury. Be thoughtful about what you eat before exercising to stay energized and maximize the workout. What foods are best to eat a couple of hours before you hit the gym? Here are the recommendations.

Bananas: The sugar in bananas enters the blood stream quickly which means it fuels you faster. Bananas are easy on the stomach, too. They are a great source of potassium and eating one pre-workout reduces your chance of getting muscle cramps afterwards. Bananas also replenish the electrolytes you lose from sweat.

Coffee: I rely on my cup of coffee for an energy boost. Coffee can help you at the gym, too. Coffee improves endurance and strengthens your legwork. The caffeine boost may also help you enjoy your workout more. Go easy on the milk to avoid stomach cramps or indigestion. Tea works, too.

Water: Make sure you adequately hydrate before and after your workouts, but don’t drink too much. Too much water can make you lightheaded and cause nausea.  If you’re not sure what’s “too much,” drink when you’re thirsty rather than over hydrate.

Maple Syrup/Molasses: A tablespoon of maple syrup or molassas gives you boost of carbs with a bonus of 24 different antioxidants. Make sure that you’re using real maple syrup or substitute molasses which will give you a little more nutrients. Add some to oatmeal with some nuts and eat a couple hours before your workout.

Beet Juice: People who drank beet juice for 15 consecutive days showed increased exercise endurance. Beet’s natural nitrates dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow. That brings more oxygen to muscles, which eases the burden on the heart. Celery, arugula, and spinach also have high nitrate concentration.

Yogurt: Eat yogurt about a couple of hours before your workout. It has roughly three grams of protein for every carbohydrate and is a good pre-exercise source of energy. The protein will have been absorbed into the small intestine by the time you complete your reps helping you repair and build muscle. Add fresh or dried fruit or granola for extra energy.

Rice: Though it’s not your best choice for nutrients, rice provides a dose of carbohydrates. Brown or wild rice also adds fiber but be careful. The fiber may cause stomach-cramps. Add berries, peanut butter, honey or molasses to make nutrient-dense balls and a pinch of salt for electrolytes

Filed under: Community Green, Food, Fttness, green fit, Health, Healthy Eating, The Fit Chick, ,

Mile Style At The Point

Bronx Based Run Crew
Runs Wednesdays at 7 pm

The Bronx By The Bronx

The Point
940 Garrison Avenue

Mile Style & The POINT join forces to help activate the BX community. Working to make the Bronx healthier & stronger, one mile at a time.

Filed under: Community Green, Fttness, Healthy Living, Hunts Point, The Fit Chick, The Point, , ,

Healthier Lifestyle Workouts

fit chick 2

Inter-generational Workouts
Frederick Douglass Center
885 Columbus Avenue (Btwn 103/104th Street)
6:45 – 8:00p.m.
212 865 – 6337

October 2019
Monday 7th……….……….…Aerobics/Abs
Wednesday 9th.……………..Yoga/Pilates/Abs
Monday 14th>………….….… No Session
Wednesday 16th …………… Cross Training/Abs
Monday 21th..……….……….Stations/Abs
Wednesday 23rd.…………..Yoga/Pilates/Abs
Monday 28th â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦..Aerobics/Abs
Wednesday 30th.…………..Cross Training/Abs

Instructor: Kelsey Stevens 
Center Director: Amy Hyman

The November schedule will be disseminated at the last session of this month.

Filed under: Community Green, Fttness, Health, Healthy Living, The Fit Chick, , ,

Walk The Dog!

Dog owners spend close to 300 minutes each week walking with their dogs, about 200 more minutes of walking than people without dogs.

Filed under: Community Green, Fttness, Obesity, , ,

Community Greens


It takes more than a village to raise a child in today's world. The world is more than flat or round or sun and moon. It's also the village on the other side of the river. The objects in the sky are different from that view. Community Greens, griot-like, tells a story. I invite you to share my view. - Chuck Vasser

NYRP Tree Giveaway

Free Trees for the community @ Bissel GardensApril 14, 2024
Congratulations Don Yearwood & Leroy Archible. We appreciate your service!

Bissel Volunteer Day

Every 3rd Saturday of the monthApril 20, 2024
Great Gardening!

NYBG Volunteer Day

Wednesday - Get your Green On during the week!April 24, 2024
Are you Coming? I'm waiting!

NYRP Shiitake Mushroom Workshop

Intro to mushroom growing on logs. Did you register? Space is limited.April 25, 2024
Mushrooms really need to be part of your diet. Grow your own!

The Green Fit Chick

Many people forget how important hydration is, especially after a seven or eight-hour night's rest with no water. Start your morning off right and get hydrated. A glass of water, a dash of sea salt and the juice of a fresh lemon will get your day off to the great start.

Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness
I couldn’t have said this better:
Do Something Active Every Day
Do Stay Engaged in Life
Don’t Overeat
Don’t Drink to Excess
Never Smoke

Added Sugar

You already know you consume too much sugar and it can have serious health consequences. Manufactures sneak sugar into their products under the names below as “added sugars”. Be healthy. Read labels. Eliminate added sugar from your diet while eating fruits and vegetables that contain minerals, vitamins, fiber and natural sugar.

Reduce Sodium In Beans

Draining and rinsing canned beans can reduce their sodium content by more than 40%. But taking just a few extra minutes is key to getting the most benefit. The reduced-sodium beans are ready to use in any favorite recipe.

Longer Life

According to new research 1. not smoking, 2. limiting your alcohol intake, 3. staying active, 4. maintaining a healthy weight, and 5. eating nutritious foods could not only extend your life, but improve the quality of it.

Cog Blogging

Bronx Fixed is Back! - BxFxd

Bike Positions

A riders determines how s/he wants to ride a bike and what type of bike they will use. Bikes, therefore, come in different configurations and geometries to suit individual riders. Different body positions suit each bike, such as 2 o’clock, 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock and so on.

Community Greens Consulting

Rover Rollover

Poop To You

Pet waste adds excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus to the environment. These nutrients many create unstable conditions that create habitat for invasive weeds. Responsively get rid of your pet waste. Don’t leave it on the trail/street!

Dog Crates

Done right, crate training helps breed familiarity, trust and a sense of security between your pup and his crate. You should not put dogs in crates that have not been properly crate trained.

Mat Training

Mat Training- A mat, or a defined place for a dog to “go to,” is a versatile and useful behavior to teach a dog. A mat can be a a dog bed, a dog mat, a bath mat, a towel, a blanket, – whatever makes the most sense for the dog and the handler.

Rude Dog Owners

Rude Habits Of Dog Owners. These are some of the things people complain about the most when it comes to dog owners.


Garden Cleanup

As the pandemic disrupts global food supply chains, people may have to depend more on locally grown food. Experts expect the number of people suffering through severe food shortages could swell to 265 million people in 2020.
Bissel Gardeners are glad they have been community gardening and raising food for themselves for more than 25 years. We hope when the NYC Pause In Place is lifted more folks will see the need for community gardens and will join us! Chuck the Gardener

GARDEN TIP - When plants are about two feet tall, prune out the foliage from the bottom 12" of larger pepper varieties like bell, cubanelle, and poblano peppers. For smaller varieties such as jalapeno, shishito, and Thai peppers, remove foliage from the lower 6-8" of stems.Aug 11, 2022


Green Tips

Bananas As Fertilizer


Handstands & Other Feats

In a world full of
little people I admit
I am minuscule. – Tiny

Get Community Greens.

“One monarch, after all, is just a butterfly, but millions together make a phenomenon. One garden, too, is just a garden, but millions together make a solution". - Sara Dykman.

All Of Us Research Program

Community Greens Photos

Chuck Vasser on


( No Title )

Saturday, June 22, 202411:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Holcombe Rucker Park, Northern Harlem Get Directions FREE EVENTRain or shine In partnership with  On Saturday, June 22, join NYC Parks, the NBPA, and additional community partners at the iconic Rucker Park to celebrate the opening of tournament season this summer—for free! Activities This year’s activities include: […]

Fried Chicken & Philosophy


The Butterfly Project


Cream-style soups are a favorite for warm, soothing meals on cold winter nights. The addition of a cup or two of cooked beans can stretch canned or homemade soup into a complete, protein-rich meal in just minutes. Stir a can of drained rinsed white beans into tomato soup. Or try pinto beans added to cream of celery soup.